December 3rd 2021, Exploring this year’s theme to commemorate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Social Structures


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Author: Dr Ana María Sánchez Rodríguez, MSCA Fellow and Adjunct Assistant Professor of the Assisting Living and Learning (ALL) Institute

Ana Maria Sanchez Rodriguez
Ana Maria Sanchez Rodriguez

Since 1992, we celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) and this year’s theme is “Leadership and participation of persons with disabilities toward an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-COVID-19 world”. Similarly, in 2019, the theme was: “Promoting the participation of persons with disabilities and their leadership: taking action on the 2030 Development Agenda”. The IDPD 2019, focused on persons with disabilities and their organisations’ empowerment in order to push forward the Sustainable Development Goals Agenda. The IDPD reminds us of the challenges ahead and the way forward.

Supporting collaborative leadership and promoting meaningful participation of persons with disabilities and their organisations must be a priority. Persons with disabilities need to be engaged in the decision-making processes that affect their lives. To commemorate the IDPD, I’d like to suggest and reflect on the following questions:

  1. What does it mean to promote leadership and participation of persons with disabilities?
  2. What has been achieved so far in this regard?
  3. What are the learnings to bring forward to lead an inclusive, accessible, and sustainable change for persons with disabilities?
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International Day of Persons with Disabilities: Displacement and disabilities

Social Structures


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Author: Élise Fabre, Legal Assistant, Law Firm specialised in Asylum Law, Paris (France)

Élise Fabre

The protection of human rights in migration and displacement is a major global challenge for policy makers, as 27 people perished trying to cross the Channel a week ago and others are suffering from deplorable living conditions at the beginning of winter on the doorstep of Poland.

According to the United Nations, migration refers to both voluntary and involuntary movement of people across borders, or within a country. While people move to search for a better life, some specifically fear persecutions and are forced to undertake a long journey to find peace and safe living conditions.

During their journey and in their host countries, migrants and refugees face great barriers in accessing their human rights, especially their social rights, such as the right to an adequate standard of living, including housing, food, and the right to the highest attainable standard of both physical and mental health. In its 2020 annual conclusions, the European Committee of Social Rights expressed concerns over the lack of access to social rights of migrant families and children in Europe. The Committee showed particular concerns about the treatment of children in an irregular migration situation and asylum-seeking children, as they encounter many obstacles in accessing safe and appropriate accommodation. The exposure to trauma, the separation or loss of family members and the lack of access to social rights lead to the prevalence of psychosocial conditions among refugee and asylum-seeking children. They are, hence, subjected to abuse, human trafficking and face great violations of their human rights.

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Assistive Technology & Beyond: Benefits of Technology Supports for All Students in Higher Education

Stories/Lived Experiences

Author: Dr Ruchi Palan, Assistive Technology Specialist, Maynooth Access Programme (MAP), Maynooth University

Birdseye image of table with 5 laptops various handheld devices and headsets. People appear to be working and there is tea on the table also.
Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Technology advancement and innovation have reduced inequities in access to, and facilitated greater participation in, education for students with disabilities. In particular, assistive technology (AT) can significantly improve the overall educational experience of students with disabilities. Research has found a positive link between AT use and education and psychosocial benefits such as academic self-efficacy, increased well-being, adaptability, self-esteem, and competence. Hence, AT is not only an enabler but also serves to empower students with disabilities.

However, AT that is commonly associated as a support for students with disabilities can also benefit those without disabilities. At the same time, with advances in technology, mainstream technologies now offer many assistive features. There is arguably a shift in perception of what constitutes AT and who can benefit from it.

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Disability, Identity, Neurodiversity & Me: Or should “Me” be first?

Stories/Lived Experience

Author: Mac MacLachlan, Assisting Living and Learning (ALL) Institute, Maynooth University

Professor Mac MacLachlan Profile Picture
Mac MacLachlan

Different models of disability understand disability in different ways. The medical model associates disability with illness, deficit or disorder; and with the limitations these impose on individuals. The social model sees disability, not as a personal attribute but as the experience people have of barriers to their participation in society. The human rights model recognises both social barriers to participation and personal experience (for instance chronic pain) independent of barriers; and it asserts people’s rights to overcome barriers and access services to fulfil their right to fully participate in society. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD, 2006) embraces the social- and human rights-based models and obliges States that have ratified it – Ireland did in 2018 – to provide the necessary services and supports for its implementation.   

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Vulnerable Groups and the Right to Culture: Challenges in a Digital World

Social Structures

Authors: Katie Donnellan, Delia Ferri, Noelle Higgins and Laura Serra; Maynooth University ReCreating Europe Research Team

ReCreating Europe Logo - Recreating in blue text Europe in mustard text. Image of mustard stars in shape of glass in lightbulb with blue bulb underneath to create image of lightbulb.
ReCreating Europe Logo

The world has become increasingly digitised, with digitisation having significantly escalated during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Lockdown restrictions implemented across the globe have pushed cultural content online and the internet has become the primary means of cultural enjoyment. This has generated ‘unprecedented challenges for the protection and promotion of diversity’ in digital cultural content, which risks exacerbating existing barriers experienced by marginalised people to the access and enjoyment of culture. Intellectual property law, specifically copyright law, is the primary regulatory means of protecting cultural creators’ proprietary rights over their content, and it traditionally operates to prioritise their rights over those of end-users, subject to certain limitations, exceptions and flexibilities as prescribed by law.

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It’s Probably Nothing: My Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Stories/Lived Experience

Author: Aoife O’Brien, Academic Council Officer, Maynooth University

Side by side pictures of Aoife O'Brien - Left shows Aoife before Cancer treatment with long dark hair smiling. Right shows Aoife during her cancer treatment with no hair looking glamorous and smiling
Side by Side of Aoife O’Brien

When I was asked to write a piece for this blog, I felt quite flattered. But the truth is, I’m not that special. I’m one of about 3,600 women who were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020.

It was early in August 2020 when I discovered the lump in my breast. An unusually persistent pain prompted me to look at myself in the mirror, and I noticed the skin looked rippled. I knew enough to know that was a warning sign and on closer examination I could see and feel a lump, about the size of a golf ball. I was hesitant in contacting my GP, hoping that the problem would just sort itself out. But of course, it didn’t. It stayed there, defiantly staring at me. So, I went to the doctor to have it checked out, all the time convincing myself that it was probably nothing. When my GP quietly told me she wanted to refer me to the Mater Hospital for further investigation, my confidence was rocked a little, but even then, I kept telling myself it would turn out to be nothing.

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Understanding emotional barriers to community dementia care services in Ireland: A caregiver perspective

Social Lives

Author: Linzi Ryan, Assistant Professor in Department of Design Innovation

Image of elderly individual lying in bed close up, face not in shot. Hand being held by what looks to be a carer's hand.
10.2307_community.12138140-1 Linzi Oct Post

Dementia is the greatest global challenge for health and social care in the 21st century with an estimated 47 million individuals diagnosed worldwide, with this number projected to rise to 131.5 million by 2050. The majority of people with dementia live in community settings, supported by family and friends (also known as informal caregivers) who provide care services.  As dementia is a progressive disease characterized by cognitive and functional decline, over time people with dementia become increasingly dependent on support services.  Research has shown that Community Based Services (CBS), which aim to coordinate the treatment and care of people with dementia, can potentially provide a better quality of life for the care receiver, enable them to remain at home for longer, and be more cost effective then residential care.   Despite these benefits of CBS, people with dementia and caregivers use fewer services in comparison to other people in need of care.  While societal, cultural, and logistical factors affecting caregiver use of CBS are frequently studied, research of internal emotional barriers, mental limitations created by one’s own self that prevents open communication of thoughts and feelings, and their effect on CBS use is limited. 

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International Day of Sign Languages: Promoting Sign Languages and Deaf Culture as part of Human Diversity

Social Structures

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Author: Léa Urzel – PhD Researcher ERC Project DANCING, ALL Institute – Department of Law, Maynooth University

Léa Urzel  Profile Picture
Léa Urzel

Today, 23 September 2021, marks the fourth celebration of the International Day of Sign Languages. Currently, Covid-19 continues to affect the lives of people around the world. The ongoing pandemic has posed unprecedented challenges for all, including persons with disabilities. It has further exacerbated the barriers that Deaf people and other sign language users face in their daily lives and highlighted the difficulties encountered in accessing services and information, notably health services and public health information (Panko et al, 2021). At the same time, it has also enhanced the use of national sign languages in public broadcasting as numerous press conferences, public health briefings and other speeches by government officials continue to be broadcast featuring sign language interpretation.

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