Celebrating the Fourth Anniversary of the ‘Ideas in ALL Blog’: A Note from ALL Co-Directors

Research Stream: Symposium

The year 2024 has seen several elections, new and old conflicts, and instability in many parts of the world. In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, global challenges have continued to grow. Our blog, set up on 3 December 2020, has given account of these challenges and has shown how interdisciplinary research be a powerful catalyst for change, bringing new hope and enhancing the wellbeing of people. In fact, well-being is the key word of this symposium which aims to showcase how our research, by shining a light on often neglected areas, such as mental health and social infrastructures, social services, cultural goods, and assistive technologies, addresses issues affecting our overall quality of life. In that regard, the yearly symposium (and the Ideas in All blog as a whole) situates at the cutting edge, tallying with the renewed scholarly attention to wellbeing from multiple disciplinary perspectives.  

As Co-Directors of the Assisting Living and Learning (ALL) Institute, we feel that this blog remains an important, bespoke outlet for sharing ALL’s multi- and interdisciplinary research. It offers an important platform for our members to highlight projects in an accessible and reader-friendly way and for stakeholders to reflect on current issues. The blog complements an array of initiatives that show first-hand how research can bring people together, effect change and actually contribute to wellbeing of society at large. ALL has been proud to support events such as Prof. Aisling MacMahon’s seminar on Hospital Exemption Pathway and personalised cancer therapies, and to launch a new series of talks , the ‘Tell ALL Talks’, to discuss groundbreaking contemporary projects, sparking new collaborations and deepening existing connections.

As 2024 comes to an end, the yearly symposium is the latest evidence of how ALL, through new projects, multifaceted initiatives, mutual collaborations and programmes has engaged an array of different people in Europe and worldwide, and has championed research as a key driver of sustainable growth. This symposium shares our insights on how to support the breaking down of barriers to inclusion and build meaningful connections. It encourages a more robust approach to knowledge exchange and the strengthening of research that creates wellbeing, forging new connections across borders and disciplines. Hopefully, this symposium will also generate new ideas to continue addressing global challenges through research!

Seasons greetings to you! We look forward to sharing more research with you in 2025 and beyond!

 Delia Ferri, Deirdre Desmond, Mac MacLachlan

Below are the links to the blogs written for the theme of this years’ Winter Symposium: ‘Advancing Perspectives on Wellbeing through Interdisciplinary Research’.

Culture, Wellbeing and the Role of the EU: Some Reflections from the DANCING Project

The Role of the New European Bauhaus in Enhancing Access to Culture for Persons With Disabilities and Supporting Their Wellbeing

Caring for the Mind: A Chance for the Renewed EU Institutions to Take the Elephant Out of the Room

Accessible Products for All: Promoting Universal Accessibility in Product Design

Advancing Well-Being in Research: Spotlight on the PROMOTE and PATHWAYS Projects

Our symposium also includes A commentary from the Editorial Team.

ALL Institute - Maynooth University