Author: Dr Laura Serra. Postdoctoral researcher reCreating Europe. All Institute. Department of Law, Maynooth University
Today, 10th of December, we are commemorating the day in which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. Today is Human Rights Day!
Human Rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated. Yet, in the twenty-first century, billions of people around the world remain on the margins of society, facing multiple Human Rights violations. For this reason, it is essential not only to commemorate the 10th of December but also to remind us how much remains to be done.
Author: Dr. Emma Smith, Postdoctoral Researcher, AT2030, ALL Institute, Department of Psychology, Maynooth University
A few weeks ago, I was asked by a fellow volunteer, “Why do you do this?” My answer wasn’t eloquent and was far from complete. I talked about my passion for the cause (that seems to be a given). I spoke about having a skillset I felt I could contribute to help build community. I talked about getting more from the organizations I work with than I ever put in. However, as the weeks have passed, I’ve realized it’s deeper than that – not everyone with passion and a skillset contributes as a volunteer. They contribute to their communities in other ways – they go above and beyond in their work lives, they raise incredible kids who inspire a generation, and they are committed friends and family members.
Author Ana Maria Sanchez Rodriguez – ALL Institute member, Irish Research Council and a Marie Skłodowska- Curie Actions’ fellow at Maynooth University
The author is grateful for the insights provided by Marité Fernández.
On the 3rd of December we celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The United Nations proclaimed this day in 1992 and this year the theme is: “Building Back Better: toward a disability-inclusive, accessible and sustainable post COVID-19 World”.
While this is a day to observe and to commemorate, there is not much to celebrate. In the past few days, the international community, United Nation agencies, intergovernmental organizations and international organizations have organized virtual conferences to address what the main challenges are in order to realize the rights of persons with disabilities recognized in the United Nations Convention on the Rights Persons of Disabilities and other regional human rights treaties.
Deirdre Desmond, Mac MacLachlan and Delia Ferri, ALL Directors
Through this blog, we hope to offer new voices and new perspectives; providing up-to-date commentary and creative ideas; highlighting new projects which are person-centred, but which also engage with perhaps less personable systems, evidence-based policies and laws. We are interested in the application of ideas and appropriate technologies to empower people across their life course.
This blog, in line with the ALL Institute’s mission, promotes a comprehensive and human-rights based approach to social inclusion; locally, regionally and globally. It will feature a range of disciplines as well as interdisciplinary posts and commentary from the staff and researchers at the Institute as well as guest contributions, symposia, and media content.
We are particularly proud and happy to launch this blog today, on the occasion of the third anniversary of the ALL Institute. We also feel that, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, there would not be a better time to foster a dialogue on supporting and empowering people living with a disability or chronic illness, older people, or those marginalized from the benefits of mainstream society – to achieve equitable application of technological, personal, community and societal initiatives.