A Note from the Editors of the Ideas-In-ALL Blog to Start the Semester 

Research Stream: Editorial

Editorial Team: Cassandra Murphy, Hannah Casey, Matthew McKenna, Neasa Boyle 

After a brief, restorative hiatus over the summer months, the blog has now returned full time and is ready to once again highlight and facilitate the communication of strong, important research happening in the ALL community. As always, we aim to share knowledge that best encapsulates our ethos, a task that is made all the more possible by the diverse and exciting range of projects under the ALL Institute banner.


As always, we look forward to hearing from the researchers behind these projects, who have historically contributed generously to us, both in our regular postings, and across our three symposiums, the fourth of which will be posted this coming December. We have been fortunate enough to witness the progress of these projects over the last four years and look forward to doing so again by affording researchers the opportunity to submit posts to us, in which they tell us about their ongoing achievements in their own words. Therefore, as we enter a new academic year, we the editors wish to drop our readers a brief note to highlight the continued excellence of the ALL Institute, and to give a brief overview of the work that we hope to feature on the blog in the coming months. 

To this end, the remit of the ALL Institute continues to expand, forging strategic connections across a diverse network of professional researchers and organisations. It incorporates a synergistic array of state-of-the-art research projects that, at their core, seek to promote person-centred and inclusive digital, social and technological development into the future.  

In the words of the ALL Institute, “We work across disciplines, sectors and while remaining committed to independent research, we collaborate with civil society, policy makers, industry, intergovernmental organizations, United Nations agencies and most particularly individuals, especially those belonging to different marginalised groups”. 

Principles of inclusivity, human rights, accessibility, respect for diversity and equal participation guide the research projects taking place at ALL Institute. Flagship projects include, ADVANCE CRT, AT 2030, ERC Project DANCING, Digital Wealth, Global Collaboration on Assistive Technology (GATE), GoGreenRoutes, PatentsInHumans, ReCreating Europe, SHAPES, STEM Passport for Inclusion that well epitomize the ALL ethos and mission to advance accessibility, equality and human rights for all persons in a digitalising society. Two of the above projects, ReCreating Europe and SHAPES, have recently concluded, bringing together years of invaluable work while furthering and strengthening the mission and impact of the ALL Institute in the process. 

In the space of a few years, the Ideas-in-ALL blog has helped to significantly enhance the public profile of the ALL Institute. The blog complements the work of the ALL Institute and continues to raise awareness of the importance of ensuring that person-centredness, human rights and inclusivity underpins technological advancement and digitalisation in our societies. As such, the blog provides a platform for our diverse array of partners to draw attention to, and explain in straightforward terms, the importance of each research project and initiative taking place in ALL. Invaluable blogpost contributions from ALL members, external stakeholders and independent voluntary submissions, have greatly enhanced general civic interest in the work of the ALL Institute.  

We look forward to continuing to hear the voices from the wide variety of projects ongoing within the institute, alongside potential posts from those which have recently concluded or that are coming towards the end of their journey. We strive to provide learning experiences for all, so hearing from PIs and researchers working on these successful projects helps to develop best practice principles in our own research and contributes to the generation of new ideas and collaborations. As a group our aspiration is to engage more external stakeholders in the blog process, hearing from those who are directly impacted by our research and exploring the beneficial nature of what we do as an Institute. We have some exciting posts coming up from several of our ongoing projects so stay tuned.  

We appreciate your engagement with our posts as we continue to share commentary on the intersection between our principles and the wonderful research activities happening internally within the ALL Institute and externally with our partners.  ALL Institute - Maynooth University

My Experience as Project Manager of DANCING… Some Personal Reflections on the First Four Years

Research Stream: Social Lives

Author: Hilary Hooks, Project Manager, Protecting the Right to Culture of Persons with Disabilities and Enhancing Cultural Diversity in EU Law: Exploring New Paths (DANCING) Project

As the Project Manager for the ERC-funded DANCING Project, led by PI, Prof. Delia Ferri, my role has been to manage the project’s administrative and operational aspects and supporting the PI in ensuring that the project stayed on track with its key milestones.

I have endeavoured to create a robust project management framework. This involved developing a suite of tools, including a spreadsheet to track finances, another to track project activities and deliverables and another to record meetings—ensuring that we met all milestones efficiently. With a project of this scale, managing a €2 million budget requires close attention, and by working closely with other university offices, I ensured compliance with all relevant regulations. The administrative side of the project is complex and involves coordinating with multiple university offices, as well as external entities like graphic designers, filmmakers, and dance companies, the latter two through a tendering process. By managing these details, I freed up our researchers to focus on their work without worrying about the operational hurdles.

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‘Lived Fiction’ Goes on Stage: Reflecting on a Major Milestone for the DANCING Project and the Collaboration with Stopgap 

Research Stream: Stories / Lived Experiences 

Author: Eva Krolla Research Assistant DANCING, in dialogue with Professor Delia Ferri and Lucy Glover, Executive Producer at Stopgap Dance Company 

Image on the left shows Eva Krolla smiling and wearing white, image in the centre shows Professor Delia Ferri smiling and wearing black, image on the right shows Lucy Glover smiling and wearing navy.

On 11th April, the contemporary dance piece ‘Lived Fiction’ premiered at Dublin’s Lir Academy Theatre in collaboration with Project Arts Centre (PAC). The piece was commissioned by DANCING, a European Research Council (ERC) funded academic research project based at the School of Law and Criminology of Maynooth University. It was created by Stopgap Dance Company’s Deaf, Disabled, neurodivergent and non-disabled creatives under the lead of co-artistic director Lucy Bennett. Stopgap are a global leader of disability access in dance and are based in the UK. ‘Lived Fiction’ artistically embeds accessibility for dancers and audiences through an integrated creative access approach. 

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The ERC funded PatentsInHumans Project – Year One Project Report And Reflections!

Research Stream: Social Technologies

Authors: Professor Aisling McMahon, Principal Investigator (ERC PatentsInHumans Project) & Sinéad Masterson, Project Manager (ERC PatentsInHumans Project)

It is hard to believe that the PatentsInHumans Project has passed the one-year point having commenced in November 2022! And what a quick and busy year it was! Alongside recently publishing our Year 1 Report which gave us pause to reflect on the project, we were delighted to write this article for the IDEAS in ALL Blog to mark the first year of the project and to provide a snapshot of the research and other activities the PatentsInHumans team have undertaken during this time.

The PatentsInHumans Project:

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What Role is There for Artificial Intelligence in the Assessment of Neurodiversity?

Research Stream: Social Technologies

Author: Emily McConway, Undergraduate Intern in Psychology, Maynooth University and Mac MacLachlan, Professor of Psychology & Social Inclusion, and Co-Director of the ALL Institute, Maynooth University

Early assessment and intervention are vital in facilitating positive developmental and behavioural outcomes for children with neurodevelopmental conditions. Early intervention has a positive long-term effect on both autistic children and their caregivers. The current process of assessing the needs of children with possible autistic traits focuses on the use of behavioural clinical diagnostic instruments such as Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R). Both instruments require direct clinician-to-child observation and can take hours to administer and score. In many countries, long waiting lists, coupled with social, economic and geographic barriers hinders timely assessment of neurodiverse children. The ALL Institute is interested in pragmatic ways to streamline access to services, including assessing a person’s needs for services and supports.   

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Reflecting on a Journey of Meaningful Impact: Celebrating with the ALL-Institute

Author: Mohamed Maalim – PhD Researcher at the ALL Institute, Department of Psychology, Maynooth University, and Senior Occupational Therapist and Project Lead, Digital Assistive Technology at Stewartscare

Research Stream: Lived Experience

A pivotal milestone in the calendar approaches as we come to the end of November. An occasion meriting grand celebration – the ALL Institute marks its sixth anniversary, a landmark that coincides with the 3rd anniversary of its stirring initiative, the ‘Ideas in All’ Blog. As a former editorial team member, I was asked to reflect upon my association with the institute and share insights into my enduring journey with the ALL Institute and the ‘Ideas in All’ Blog.

I joined the ALL Institute, drawn in by its ethos of ensuring that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, has the support and opportunity to participate fully throughout their lives. This ethos was further embodied through the blog, focusing on inclusivity, accessibility, diversity, and participation.

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Moving Forward to Have a More Inclusive Society

Author: James Cawley, Maynooth University Alumnus, Business Development Executive at the Irish Centre for Diversity, Disability Rights Activist, and Member of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Disability Advisory Committee

Research Stream: Lived Experience

First, I want to extend my sincere congratulations to the ALL Institute team in marking the sixth anniversary of the ALL Institute at Maynooth University. Equally, I am delighted to contribute to the end of year symposium for the third anniversary of the Ideas in ALL Blog.

My name is James Cawley, I have contributed to the ALL Blog over the last 3 years. For me, the Blog remains an important channel to showcase empowerment and tackle social exclusion.

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UN International Day of Older Persons, 1st October: Time to Discuss a United Nations Convention on the Rights of Older Persons

Social Structures

Author: Matthew McKenna, PhD Researcher at Maynooth University’s Assisting Living and Learning Institute (ALL), Research Funded through the Science Foundation of Ireland (SFI) Centre for Research Training in Advanced Networks for Sustainable Societies (ADVANCE CRT)

Matthew McKenna

The disability convention should accelerate the trend underway in most corners of the world toward respecting and advancing the rights of persons with disabilities. It will reinforce reform efforts underway in many countries. It will help put in place a dynamic of reform in those countries that have yet to begin a serious reform effort’ (Quinn, as cited in Quinn and Waddington ed., 2009, p. 114).

The above quote from Quinn and Waddington was made in the aftermath of the entry into force of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD/Convention) in 2008. Their prediction proved to be correct as the CRPD provided a global framework for the advancement of human rights for and by, persons with disabilities, and helped to bolster existing frameworks for legal and policy reform efforts. It also helped to usher in new multilateral initiatives and strategic programmes to tackle disability discrimination and was intended to foster inclusion and human rights for all people irrespective of age or disability status. Whilst its implementation is still very much a work in progress, the CRPD proved to be a pivotal legal and policy instrument of international law by highlighting the discriminatory and inaccessible nature of modern society, thus raising the question of a need for a UN Convention on the Rights of Older People. On 1st October, the UN International Day of Older Persons, this proposed convention is worthy of serious discussion and renewed consideration.

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The DANCING Mid-Term Academic Conference: Taking Stock of the First Three Years and Reflecting on the Challenges of Interdisciplinarity

Social Lives

Author: Eva Krolla, Research Assistant in the ERC-funded DANCING Project at the School of Law and Criminology and Assisting Living and Learning (ALL) Institute, Maynooth University

DANCING Mid-Term Academic Conference speakers
DANCING Mid-Term Academic Conference speakers

The European Research Council (ERC) funded research project ‘Protecting the Right to Culture of Persons with Disabilities and Enhancing Cultural Diversity in EU Law: Exploring New Paths – DANCING’ based at the ALL Institute and the School of Law and Criminology under the lead of Principal Investigator Prof. Delia Ferri marked its halfway point by hosting the DANCING Mid-Term Academic Conference on Monday, 4 September 2023 at Maynooth University. 

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Climate Change Litigation: Emerging Trends and Implications

Social Structures

Author: Firdavs Kabilov, PhD Fellow at the Maynooth University School of Law and Criminology, Maynooth University

Firdavs Kabilov
Firdavs Kabilov

Climate change has become a defining global challenge, with far-reaching implications for the governments and businesses. As the urgency to address climate change increases, novel avenues are being explored to catalyse action. One such avenue is climate litigation, a strategy that seeks to hold governments and businesses accountable for their contributions to climate change. The United Nations Environment Programme’s latest report Global Climate Litigation Report: 2023 Status Review shows that climate change-related lawsuits have substantially increased in recent years. As of December 2022, there were 2,180 climate-related cases filed in 65 jurisdictions, including international and regional courts. This brief post will focus on some of the most recent and notable cases to highlight emerging trends on climate change litigation and their impact on government policies and business practices.

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