Caring for the Mind: A Chance for the Renewed EU Institutions to Take the Elephant Out of the Room

Research Stream: Symposium

Author: Roberta Esposito, Doctoral Course in Public, Criminal and International Law, University of Pavia, Recent Visiting PhD Researcher in ALL

On November 27th, Maynooth University (MU) unveiled the “Elephant in the Room” (EIR) sculpture. This initiative highlights the university’s commitment to promoting mental health and well-being, fostering an inclusive, safe, and positive campus culture. It serves as a poignant reminder to the entire academic community and society at large that mental health challenges can affect everyone. I started my professional journey at MU years ago and recently returned to the ALL Institute as a visiting PhD researcher to better structure my research project on the right to mental health. Always feeling, even from afar, part of this warm community, the MU’s initiative has been an occasion for me to reflect on how cumbersome this Elephant truly is.

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